* Free shipment throughout the Netherlands
Shipping within the Netherlands and Belgium
We carefully do our best to deliver the order to you within 5 working days.
- Small goods shipments NL € 3.95
- Small shipments BE € 6.90
- Shipping within the Netherlands for FREE (except small items)
- Shipping to Belgium € 14.95
We only deliver products in the Netherlands and Belgium, but according to the Geoblocking law we are no longer allowed to discriminate on the basis of geography.
we give you the option to purchase something from our webshop from another member state. If you come from another Member State and you still want to buy a product from us, please contact us, we do our best to deliver the desired product.
Take Away
You can pick up your order at our locations at the agreed time.
Once you have placed an order, you will be contacted when the order is ready for collection.
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